Decoding Your Cat’s Behavior: What Are They Really Trying to Say?

Decoding Your Cat’s Behavior: What Are They Really Trying to Say?

Understanding your Feline Pals! 

Our cats are social animals that often communicate in terms of cat noises and actions. Cats are also considered to be enigmatic creatures, often leaving their owners wondering what’s going on behind those expressive eyes and subtle movements. Therefore, as a cat owner, it is our responsibility to understand what feline pals have to tell us. 

Understanding your cat and their behaviour can help you build a strong bond with your furry companion. These animals are beautifully trained by nature to react to the slightest action thrown their way. Whether you choose to clap in their direction or simply stick your hand out, and pat them, your cat will respond to you in a way that you understand what’s right and wrong.

If you are a responsible cat owner, it is only important that you understand what your cat has to tell you. No matter how good you treat them or how expensive their cat food is, understanding their basic reactions to stimuli can be quite important to you.

In this blog, our pet experts at Petbites Australia have put together a list of communicative signs in gestures that can help you understand what your cat is trying to tell you. Read along to find out how the cat world can mesmerize you!

1. The Language of the Tail

Just like almost all domestic animals, the cat’s tail plays a significant role in communication. It denotes a range of feelings from happiness to fear. A cat’s tail movements reveal a lot about its mood.

Tail upright with a curl at the end: This is a positive sign and your cat is extremely happy to see you. They often walk towards you fearlessly and expect to cuddle with you too.

Tail puffed up: Although these animals are cute and cuddly, they do have fear instilled within them. A puffed up tail would often regard fear or anger. You may see your cat's tail puffed up during a fight with another cat.

Tail swishing quickly: Irritation or frustration can often be denoted by a swish movement of their cat’s tail. Watch out for that and remove any possible stimuli in such situations.

2. Vocalizations and Their Meanings

Cats use a variety of sounds to communicate.

Meowing: The most common sound we hear from a cat is the meow. This is often directed at humans to get attention or express a need.

Purring: Another sign of happiness or contentment is When your cat purrs. However, this can also be a sign of self-soothing.

Hissing or growling: If you, however, hear your cat hissing or growling, this is either a sign of discomfort or a warning sign for you or any other cat to back off.  For example, if your cat sees a snake passing by, it would be most likely to hiss or growl back at them.

3. Body Language Clues

Subtle changes in posture can reveal a lot. Your cat's beautiful gestures can speak a lot more than words! 

Arched back with fur standing: If you see your little cat standing with a large back, this is often portrayed as them being defensive or scared.

Slow blinking at you: Just like what they say in movies, if you see a little cat blinking at you, it clearly means that they have trusted you completely.

Lying belly-up: In case you see your feline pal, lying upward on their back, exposing their bellies, this is a pure sign of trust. However, we suggest that you do not go and pet your cat as this is, not necessarily an invitation to pet. 

4. The Mystery of Kneading

Have you seen your cat kneading their paws into thin air? Sometimes this can be on a cushion or sand too. Keep in mind that when your cat kneads their paws, it is your cat’s way of harking back to kittenhood. This revises the comfort as they mark their territory with sense glands released by their paw. 

5. Headbutts and Cheek Rubbing

Cats are social animals and love to express their emotions through contact. If you find your cat rubbing their cheeks on you or their heads against you, remember that you are considered to be a special figure in their lives. Therefore, through these rubbing gestures, your cat ensures that you feel safe and loved and your environment. 

Every day, life with your feline pal! 

Your cat loves you in more ways than you think. Whether you receive a gentle pouring, a flick of a tail, a head rub against your skin or even a smile whisper, these are regarded as your cat's way of telling you that they trust you and love you.

Try deep in your collection with your cat, understanding what they are trying to convey to you is always a better move. Whether they are hungry and irritated, or whether they are happy and excited, it is your responsibility to understand what your cat needs.

As a responsible cat owner, always pay attention to the unique ways of communication your cat portrays every time. Make sure that your cat feels a lot more understood and loved. And if your cat acts mysterious, always take a closer look, they might be a lot more informative than you think!!

Do not forget to treat your cats with great Cat treats, cat toys, and cat accessories. These are the very essentials that your cat may need every day. At Petbites Australia, we promise you a beautiful range of cat toys, cat treats and accessories. We also have a range of cat hampers for you to choose from or to give away. 

If you are looking for your cat essentials, this is the perfect place to be. Visit Petbites Australia online and browse through our many different range of cat products we have for you. And if you are hoping to give your cat loving Friends, we’ve got that all for you under one roof. She is finding a beautiful collection of cat accessories for all the cat lovers out there!

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